Livno. Bosnia & Herzegovina. Situated in the South of B&H right at the border with Herzegovina, Livno is the biggest town in this area with a strong Catholic majority.

Livno. Bosnia & Herzegovina. Stipe Petrovic lives and works in the area. His sculptures are well known in the district. He makes stone chapels for the families around. He defines himself as the only atheist in the area.

Livno. Bosnia & Herzegovina. Ivica Matic runs a pub in the city centre. He defines himself a Catholic, a Roman Catholic. On his westcoat an American confederate flag that symbolizes the union of the people of the South of Bosnia. The Catholic minority is now asking to create a new entity within the country.

Livno. Busko Lake. Some people say Croatian villages were moved to make space for this artificial lake.
Livno. Bosnia & Herzegovina. Shopping Centre

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